Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The first script.

This is the first script, or plot outline (that I've kept). I will be deviating a great deal from the original outline presented below, but this is pretty much the origin of the

The Nazi Golem

I was the first product to be pushed off the assembly line in America’s arms race against the Nazi’s. They made me into a weapon. They stripped me of emotion, filled me with chemicals, and replaced all my organs with machines.
Scenes of surgery in which cybernetics are being introduced into the body of the soldier; chemicals are being pumped in and drained out. Another scene of the soldier strapped to a chair being shown propagandist footage, his eyes are being held open. Super imposed over the panel is the American flag.
My senses were hyperaware. Existence flowed past me like a river in slow motion. I could foresee an opponent’s next move before they were even aware of it. A glance at a room would give me a mathematical equation determining exactly where to step and how to strike to increase my kill ratio and cut down on damage done to myself.
Scenes of the soldier fighting, his opponents outnumber him. Shots of specific strikes, where he is dodging one opponent while attacking another, followed by a shot of a blood drenched room filled with bodies.
While the American’s concentrated their efforts on creating the perfect soldier through the manipulation of genetics and cybernetic augmentation, the Germans and the Japanese combined their formidable knowledge of science and the occult to create their own version of the super soldier. From this union came the German’s paramilitary division which developed a program they referred to as the Stahl Reich. Robotic supermen, more machine then man, that unleashed a wave of fear and devastation that would alter the course of the war.
Scenes mirroring those of the soldier going through his super soldier process, except that in place of some of the cybernetics and chemicals are tentacle bug-like robotics. In place of the footage is some ritual centered around a sigil. Finally the soldiers are encased in metal and are seen destroying tanks and buildings. In the background the American flag burns.
From my proximity to the energies of parallel realities, I began to develop certain ailments that at the time showed all the symptoms of cancer due to exposure to radioactive substances. I became weaker with each successive mission, and that in turn would eventually result in my capture by the Nazis.
Scene of the American super soldier fighting the Nazi super soldiers. The Nazi super soldiers are shown being burst open by various attacks, spraying blood, gore and radiating energy. Shot of the American super soldier being scanned by a machine and doctors looking at the results with astonishment. More scenes of the American super soldier fighting with the Nazi super soldiers, except that in these scenes, the American super soldier is seen taking considerable damage and eventually being defeated and imprisoned.
I, with my genetically engineered DNA and years of absorbing Supernatural energies was a perfect candidate for the Stahl Reich program. My brain was completely washed of all allegiances and reprogrammed to be a devout follower of the Nazi party. My sickly body was encased within the structure of a metal Golem and dark Necromantic Magicks brought us to life. I was reborn a machine of murderous intent with a mechanical heart that beat to a Fascist drum. I goose stepped Germany obediently into victory after victory in the second and last World War.
Shot of the American super soldier strapped into a chair, electrodes running from his head, mechanical appendages probing exposed pieces of his brain, while his body arches and writhes in pain, a look of terror etched across his face. Another shot mirroring the early scene of the American super soldier where he was strapped to a chair watching propagandist films, except this time, the swastika is super imposed over the panel. Shots of the American super soldier being encased in a metal shell followed by a close up of his newly encased head being bombarded by dark energies. The next shots are of the ex-American super soldier leading Nazi super soldiers as they destroy American tanks and slaughter American soldiers in gory scenes. The last shot is of the ex-American super soldier super imposed behind the white house which is burning and in ruin.
A new empire was established with the Fuhrer ruling over all, his mind and body now at the center of a living robot city. Miles of electronics lay inside bloated fatty coils of synthetic flesh made from the bodies of the dead. The hunger of the living robot city of Adolf Hitler was insatiable. Always there were more electronic tributes and living sacrifices to his ever growing body.
Start with a panel of Adolf Hitler at the center of the city. His body is connected by tubes, cables, pumps and wires to hulking biomorphic machinery that surrounds him. Draw back to reveal the bloated fatty coils, oozing globs of steaming ichor. It should resemble an overstuffed sausage filled with electronics and dead bodies. Draw back even more and we see a large cthulhian-like opening where soldiers are feeding in electronic devices and human beings.
Still the living computer city demanded more.

At the height of its power the Nazi empire attempted to open a gateway to the Multiverse. Instead they ripped open a hole in the fabric of reality and dimensional energy poured in. The landscape of our reality would never be the same.
The ex-American super soldier stands at the top of a cliff overlooking an alien landscape.

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